Letters to the Corinthians

During the month of September, LifeChurch will be starting a Sunday series and Bible reading plan called “Letters to the Corinthians”. We will be reading and learning from both 1 and 2 Corinthians, letters from the apostle Paul to the church in Corinth.

This was written to a specific church at a specific time so Paul had to deal with some issues that we don’t necessarily struggle with. However, these letters contain a whole raft of wisdom for us as the church, alongside some tough challenges as well!

These letters are to the church planted by Paul in Acts 18:1-18. Paul had originally gone and preached to the Jewish believers but after their rejection he went to speak to the Gentiles in Corinth, where many believed and were baptised. The Jewish leaders rose up against Paul but the Roman magistrate was not interested in prosecuting him. Paul continued to live in Corinth for 18 months before God called him on to preach the Gospel in other areas.

Use the calendar below and click on today’s date. There you will find today’s reading passage. Some days will have additional resources like videos, blogs and links to help us connect to the Scripture.